If you’re learning how to play chess, you’ll quickly discover that one of your first goals should be to learn as much as possible about the different chess terms being used in the game. There you’ve got it A list of frequently used sepak takraw terminologies which should familiarize you with this beautiful game.
Not only will this list to help you understand the game better, it should also give you an idea of your own skills and dexterity required to successfully play the game. By the time you’ve finished reading through this article, you should know what these terminologies mean, as well as how to use them correctly when playing a game. Happy chess playing!

One of the most commonly used sepak takraw terminologies is the word pin. Many beginners start off their games by selecting the wrong kind of pin, either a high or low class pin. The resulting double knockout can cost the losing player the point, so it’s important to choose wisely. High class pins are usually made of brass or steel and designed to withstand lots of knocks.
Another one of Sepak Takraw terminologies commonly used is the word kick. This term is often used to describe a checkmate, although it may also be used to describe a draw. When selecting a move, it’s important to carefully consider whether the move would be considered a kick according to the rules of the game you’re playing.
For example, a forward pass from a player passing from the side you’re playing on would probably be considered a kick. However, if you were to attempt the same move from the side of your opponent is on a hook, then definitely a kick would be more appropriate.
A Teeka is another one of the most important of Sepak Takraw Terminologies commonly used. In the rules of table tennis, a week is a ring, sometimes made of cloth, that’s located inside the table. It’s there to ‘rest’ your ball on during a point.
Most tekongs will be made of thick cloth, and not many players bother with them. However, if you want to make your taking more comfortable to play with, you can get yourself a few nice leather ones.
There are a couple of other terms you should become familiar with as well. For instance, one of the basic rules of table tennis states that you must not allow your opponent to have more than three touches on the ball before you can take the shot.
So, generally speaking, you can’t play sepak takraw with three or fewer touches. But, if you take the shot after having three or less touches, that counts as being ‘touching the ball’.
If you’re looking for some other interesting Sepak Takraw Terminology, you can start looking up the words that describe the different shots that you can take. For example, a forehand ‘come-away’, is actually the stroke that starts on the edge of your opponent’s court, similar to how an overhand would be started.
An overhand is used to hit an overhead smash. Another one is a backhand, which is typically used to hit an overhead smash but can also come into play when playing an overhead. A serve is a serve that comes into play when coming back from the baseline.
One more term, you may be interested in knowing is the term ‘sepak’‘. This term, when used in a context of a game of clay shooting, means to shoot a ball over the top of your head. A player who is known as a taking player has been known to shoot the ball over the top of his own head to win a match.
The winner of a game of clay shooting is called a sepak in the Chinese language. When you play sepak takraw, you are required to touch the ball with your head over again.
The term ‘tekong’ in the Chinese language simply means ‘a ball with a center’. The most common way to describe this is to say that it is the center of a sphere. As a golfer, it’s important to understand the rules of your sport, but you should also have fun while you play it.
You should make sure that you know as much as possible about the rules of your particular game before you begin playing, and one way to get started doing this is by becoming familiar with the many commonly used Clay Shooting Terminologies.