History of Pakistan’s National Cricket Stadium

History of Pakistan’s National Cricket Stadium

You may have seen the news on television or even read the papers in the past few days about how many players in Pakistan are now registered to play in the Pakistan Super League. Of course, everyone will be looking forward to the start of this amazing cricket tournament. ‘This is a competition that is … Read more

The Mexican Team – The Best Player In The World

The Mexican Team – The Best Player In The World

The Mexican Team – The Best Player In The World It was not so long ago that United Breweries of Tanzania picked up a young striker called Samuel Wanjiru from Borneo and called him Sepak Takraw. He was just 16 years old at the time. He was a naturalized Indonesian and moved to Honolulu to … Read more

How Do You Play Takraw?

How Do You Play Takraw?

How Do You Play Takraw? The basic principle behind the Takraw is that it is a game of chance and luck. While that statement may seem a bit too simplistic, the rules are simple and easy to follow and as the name suggests the objective is to hit the ball into the net. There are … Read more

How to Pronounce Sep Takraw

How to Pronounce Sep Takraw

How pronounce Sepak Takraw in the different languages? First of all, Sep Takraw is actually not a native Indian word. It was actually invented by an English linguist, who was trying to devise a way of explaining the sounds that are commonly made in the English language when speaking. This is how Sep Takraw comes … Read more

What Is Sepak Takraw?

What Is Sepak Takraw?

What Is Sepak Takraw? Sepak Takraw, otherwise known as kick volleyball, is an indigenous sport originating in Southeast Asia. It differs from the more common sport of footvolley mainly in its use of a wooden rattan ball and allowing players only to use their legs, head, and knees to hit the ball. Although kick volleyball … Read more

Why is it Important to Join the Famous Sepak Takraw?

Why is it Important to Join the Famous Sepak Takraw?

Famous Sepak Takraw players – What Makes Them Famous? The most famous Sepak Takraw club is also the oldest cricket club in the country and it played an important part in shaping up the history of this game in Bangladesh. The club was founded by Dr. S. T. Takraw in 1917 and has since then … Read more

Is Takraw Still Popular In Malaysia?

Is Takraw Still Popular In Malaysia?

Sepak Takraw is a game played in Malaysia and Singapore in the form of a Chinese board game called Tichu Chua. Sepak Takraw is a popular game in Asia, especially in Asia Minor and in China where it is frequently referred to as shanzhai. Sepak Takraw has become included in the latest Asian Games because … Read more

Sepak Takraw Rules and Scoring

Sepak Takraw Rules and Scoring

Sepak Takraw Rules and Scoring For those who know the game of Sepak Takraw, there is no need to read this article since all you need to know is that the rules and scoring are quite easy. But for those who are not familiar with the game of Sepak Takraw, then they need to keep … Read more