The Definition of Out of the Game

The Definition of Out of the Game

A few months back, in the wake of the Sepak Takraw transfer, a few English Premier League football players were asked what changes they would make to their game. They were surprised when a surprising consensus was quickly formed from the responses, as the consensus included the introduction of a new ‘scoring system’ to the … Read more

Olympic campaign by sepaktakraw

Olympic campaign by sepaktakraw

The Olympic campaign will be led by Dato Abdul Halim Kader, secretary-general of the International Sepak Takraw Federation (ISTAF), who is also President of the Asian Sepak Takraw Federation. Sepaktakraw, which implies kick volleyball, a popular sport in South East Asia, announced that it is introducing a quote to join the Olympic program. The sport, … Read more

History of Sepak Takraw

History of Sepak Takraw

History of Sepak Takraw The origins of sepak takraw remains a question of extreme controversy in Southeast Asia, as several countries with pride say it as their very own. There is, nevertheless, some understanding that the sport was introduced to Southeast Asia through commercial contact with China, where a traditional form of the sport originated. … Read more

Types of sepak takraw

Types of sepak takraw

Types of sepak takraw Sepak takraw (kick volleyball) is a competitive sport that involves 2 groups of 3 players, known as the left inside, right inside and back. The match takes place at court that’s just about the same size as a badminton court, with a 1.5-meter-tall net. The grapefruit-sized balls are traditionally hand-woven from … Read more



Thailand and Sepak Takraw Sepak Takraw, also known as Asian soccer, is widely played in Thailand. Discover how to play the sport and where Sepak Takraw is played… Sepak Takraw commonly referred to in Thailand just as Takraw, is a sports activity that is becoming increasingly popular around the globe. It is a merged form … Read more