Using a study of physical and physiological characteristics of Sepak Takraw players, we are able to determine the physical and physiological profiles of three main sepak takraw positions: Tekong, Killer, and Feeder. This article will provide an overview of the study, as well as a discussion on the results.
Physical and physiological profiles of sepak takraw players
Various physical and physiological profiles of sepak takraw players have been studied. Sepak takraw is a net-barrier game in which players jump and acrobatic twists are made. These activities strengthen the lower extremity muscles. The intensity of the game depends on the length of the rallies.
The study was carried out on 44 male sepak takraw players. These players had minimum four years of formal training and belonged to the Sports Authority of India (SAI), Imphal. They were asked to wear a GT9X ActiGraph during a simulated competitive match. Various anthropometric measurements were taken including body mass, body fat percentage, body height and body stature. The players provided informed consent for the study.
The study was conducted on the three main playing positions: spiker/killer, tekong and feeder. The tekong position possesses the highest body stature and leg length. In addition, the tekong position is a more anthropometrically favorable position for the takraw game. It also shows the most development of leg muscles.
The results indicate that the tekong position is more favorable for the takraw game than the spiker and feeder positions. Tekong and feeder positions show moderate aerobic energy need while spiker position has higher energy requirement. The study players also showed higher sit up ability and vertical jump.
The study also showed that the spiker position possesses the highest VO2max. It may be due to higher work intensity of the spiker position. In addition, the spiker position has strong femur muscles and is less vulnerable to injury. The difference in the VO2max may be due to the difference in the work intensity.
The study also showed that the sepak takraw players are leaner than other sports. The players were found to be muscular but less strong than basketball players. In addition, the study found lower explosive leg power than basketball players. In addition, the vo2max of sepak takraw players is lower than the vo2max of other court games. The study findings corroborate the findings of the previous studies.
The present study has identified the key physical and physiological parameters that contribute to the performance of the sepak takraw players. This information will be useful for coaches to train players. The data will also help in monitoring the progress of the physical improvement of the players.
Tekong, Killer and Feeder roles
Among the different roles of Sepak Takraw players, the tekong/server, killer and feeder positions play an important role in the sport. The tekong position is considered the best because it has the highest body stature, the highest trunk length and the best leg length.
The killer role is responsible for blocking spikes coming from the other team. In this role, the player is able to hit the ball with maximum strength. He also performs explosive jumps to set up the ball so that the striker can kick hard.
The feeder role is responsible for setting the ball up. He must be able to control the ball during the match. He must also be able to control the distance of the ball during the match. He is able to perform various serve techniques. He should also be able to spike the ball.
The players studied in the study were young Indian males who played Sepak Takraw. They had a minimum of four years of formal training history. They belonged to various schemes of Sports Authority of India (SAI), Imphal. They had similar socio-economic status, dietary habits, and environmental/climatic conditions.
The researchers found that a player’s playing position has a significant effect on his physical fitness. The results showed that tekong and killer players had a better body composition profile than feeder and spiker players. The tekong position also possessed the highest vertical jump and back strength. The regression model also identified peak explosive power as a significant determinant of performance in Sepak Takraw.
Sepak Takraw is an anaerobic metabolism dependent sport. Therefore, players need to have a high burst of energy. It is also important to have good serve techniques so that the opponent will not be able to rally the ball.
The study also found that the average time of the rallies was 5.5 s. Tekong players had a higher average score than killer and feeder players. The study also showed that players who played in the tekong and killer positions had higher vertical jumps, sit up abilities, and max anaerobic power. This may indicate that the tekong and killer players have better anaerobic component of their physical fitness.
Results of the study
Earlier studies have shown that the physiological profile of athletes differs between different playing positions. The present study has evaluated a number of physical fitness parameters to identify predictors for physical performance in sepak takraw.
The study evaluated various anthropometric parameters including body mass, leg length, trunk length, vertical jump, sit up, handgrip strength, 6X10m shuttle run, and 30m flying. A regression model was used to predict the most important anthropometric parameters.
The regression model revealed that back strength was the most important predictor of vertical jump. Players in the tekong position exhibited the highest back strength and a more favorable anthropometric profile. The study also found that players in the tekong position have a better vo2max and anaerobic power than those in the spiker position.
The present study also found that the top serve accuracy test in sepak takraw was a good indicator of performance. A top serve accuracy test is a test that is designed to determine a player’s ability to serve the ball successfully in the game. It is a test that can be used to improve a player’s long-term training program. The test scores are then compared to a set of criteria that can be used to determine if a player is at maximum capability.
The study also evaluated physical fitness variables, including endurance, vertical jump, sit up, 6X10m shuttle run, and body composition. A comparison of differences in ankle ROM and dynamic balance was also conducted.
Aside from the study, the authors are thankful to the sepak takraw players for providing their informed consent. The research center and the Sports Authority of India (SAI) supported the study. The study was designed to assist coaches and trainers in selecting players and in designing training programs. The results of the study will also lead to the development of training models for younger players.
In addition to the results of the study, the authors are grateful to the Sports Authority of India for funding the study. The study was conducted on 44 young Indian male sepak takraw players. They had a minimum of four years of formal training. They were divided into three age categories.
Physiological profiles of sepak takraw players differed between the three playing positions. The tekong position exhibited a higher level of anaerobic power, vertical jump, body cell mass, and handgrip strength. Tekong players also showed higher levels of sit up, back strength, and VO2max.
As part of the research, the physical fitness variables, including vertical jump, sit up, and 6X10m shuttle run, were measured. The researchers also evaluated anthropometric parameters, including height, weight, back and leg strength, and range of motion.
The researchers also determined the body composition profiles of the national sepak takraw teams. They found that the players were within the Malaysian population norms.
Athletes also experienced acute injuries during attacking and serving. In addition, players were trained in the morning and evening sessions. Physical conditioning and strength training were carried out before the main practice session. A cool down session was also performed.
The researchers also found that the intensity of sepak takraw varied depending on the length of the rallies. Each of the three positions was trained as a specific task. In addition, players were given psychological training.
The researchers also studied the effects of wind velocity on the lift and drag coefficients of the sepak takraw ball. Drag coefficient increased with wind velocity. This is because the ball has a fluid domain surrounding it. However, the lift coefficient did not show a consistent pattern. The researchers used a one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. They found that the lift coefficient was a function of wind velocity for all three positions. They found that the tekong/server position was the best performing position.
In addition, players of the tekong position had a better body composition profile. Tekong players had a higher level of max anaerobic power, vertical jump, and handgrip strength.
These results indicate that the tekong/server position is the best performing position for sepak takraw. However, there is a need for more research on the physiology of the sport. Also, it is important to note that these results are based on a limited sample of athletes.
The researchers concluded that the sepak takraw game is anaerobic metabolism dependent. This means that the player needs to use high bursts of energy.