SePak Takraw Best Player For Cricket
When talking about cricketing in the region of Malaysia and Singapore, the name of Thaidongs Anuwat, or Thailands Anuwat as he is better known, often comes up. But what is a Thailands Anuwat and what does he do? Is he the best player in his team or is he only good for his team position?

In the first season of his professional career, Thailands Anuwat played for the promotion team called Bukit Timah. As he was new to the country, his first team assignment was the reserve team. His first match for the reserve team was against undefeated defending champions New England. Although New England had never faced off against a top tier team before, Thailands Anuwat impressed the coaching staff and manager with his skills on the field.
In the next season, he was given a call up by the PCB, which was a big deal at that time in international cricket. The PCB appointed him their first coach. He did well in the role, despite the fact that his selection was seen as a promotion move. In fact, it was quite the opposite. His performances helped his team win the league that year, in what is now known as Super Indies.
When he was finally selected for the Bangladesh tour that year, things went bad from the start. He struggled in the outfield, was never comfortable in the middle, and failed to make any century. Many analysts blamed him for the disaster, while others believed it was his fault because he did not know the format properly.
Once the world cup arrived in India, Thaidongs could not perform to the same standards he had in the previous two years. There was talk of him moving to the Netherlands, while others believed he had done enough to deserve a recall. The truth is that he had improved as a batsman, but that was it. There were other things that needed to be sorted out.
It was obvious to any cricket enthusiast that something was wrong with Takraw. Cricket world champions are chosen based on more than skill and ability. They have to be fit, they have to be a good listener, and they have to be good at their position.
In Bangladesh, however, the match that followed the defeat in the home series was pivotal. Shakar happened to play a wonderful century, helping his side win the match by six wickets. Everyone in the audience stopped looking at the score and started to focus on how good a player Shakar was. It seemed that once he got going, there was no stopping him. He picked up his bat and took seven wickets, taking as many as he could within four days. After that match, all of Bangladesh was talking about how good an all-round player he was.
Once he came to ground, there was no doubt that all would be able to come around. If anyone in this team wants to be a great player, then they need to follow in his footsteps. There is no doubt that Bangladesh will miss Shakar, but what they might not realise is that without him, their performance would not be the same. It is important for them to remember where they came from and how lucky they are to have him.
The whole point of playing international cricket is to lift your country’s confidence. When a team wins against an England or a West Indies team, it boosts their morale. Bangladesh were not blessed with a world class player before, but that has changed now. Bangladesh have a huge number of fans at their disposal and there is no doubt that any loss is going to have a devastating effect on them. All they can do is focus on how hard they are working to get back to the top of the game.
This is the only way they will get back into the top three. No matter how difficult things get for the team, they must not lose sight of the goal they want. There are no shortcuts to success. The players have to work hard, but they can only do that if they have the confidence that they will turn things around at some point.
Bangladesh are lucky to have Shakar. They have a lot of other talent as well. Yet, without his contribution, things would be very difficult for Bangladesh. His attitude has been very good throughout his career. He wants to win for his country and he is convinced that his team has the ability to do just that.