Sepak Takraw World Rankings

Sepak Takraw World Rankings

Sepak takraw (kick volleyball), or Sepak Takraw as it’s more commonly known in Southeast Asia, has been an integral part of Asian games since 1990 and remains a beloved tradition among local communities. However, it remains less familiar in the West; however there is an active community in Los Angeles and Minneapolis bringing this sport … Read more

Sepak Takraw Net Price

Sepak Takraw Net Price

Sepak takraw, an athletic game played across Southeast Asia, involves using the feet, knees, chest, and head to kick a ball around – similar to volleyball! Sepak Takraw is governed by the International Sepak Takraw Federation (ISTAF), and major tournaments include its World Cup, Super Series and King’s Cup events. Origins Sepak takraw has its … Read more

Sepak Takraw in Chinese

Sepak Takraw in Chinese

Sepak takraw is one of Southeast Asia’s most beloved sports, boasting millions of enthusiasts throughout its vast region and being an important economic driver. Chinese Kung Fu first developed several centuries ago as a form of foot-eye coordination and athletic development training, spread via commercial contacts among China and its neighbors. Origin Sepak takraw is … Read more

Sepak Takraw Ball Price

Sepak Takraw Ball Price

Sepak takraw is a volleyball-like sport that originated in Southeast Asia. It’s played with a ball made of braided rattan. Sepaktakraw is administered worldwide by ISTAF (International Sepaktakraw Federation). Court sizes, markings and equipment can be tailored to fit local conditions. Game Sepak Takraw is a sport where two teams of players use their feet, … Read more

Sepak Takraw Drills

Sepak Takraw Drills

Sepak takraw is a Southeast Asian sport similar to volleyball but played with an intricate rattan ball. Although it has yet to be included in the Olympics, this highly competitive game is rapidly gaining global recognition. Players need high levels of flexibility and agility to be successful, which is why warm-up exercises are so important … Read more

Sepak Takraw Shoes

Sepak Takraw Shoes

Sepak takraw is a team sport that requires feet to kick the ball across a net. Similar to volleyball but with more of an urban twist. Many Southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, enjoy playing this popular game. Additionally, it has gained traction in the Philippines and Thailand. Origin Sepak takraw is … Read more

Sepak Takraw

Sepak takraw, originally played in Southeast Asia and named from Malay words meaning “kick” or “rattan ball”, is an indoor sport played on a badminton-like court with a shoulder-high net. Teams compete against one another on this court for supremacy. Scoring requires players to kick the ball over the net to their opponents’ side. Additionally, … Read more

Sepak Takraw History

Sepak Takraw History

Sepak takraw is an age-old game that emphasizes teamwork, unity and communication. Originally played by villagers in Southeast Asia, it has since evolved into an international sport that promotes physical and mental discipline. Rattan ball kickball is a team sport played with two teams facing off on an indoor badminton court with a net stretched … Read more

Where is Sepak Takraw Played?

Where is Sepak Takraw Played?

Sepak takraw, commonly referred to as kick ball, is an exotic Southeast Asian sport combining volleyball and hackeysack elements. Players use their feet to volley a small woven rattan ball over the net with their feet. Playing this sport necessitates athleticism, flexibility and teamwork – qualities required for centuries in many countries of Southeast Asia. … Read more